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MessaggioInviato: 15 settembre 2017, 23:02
Developed over the past three years, the Perseverance DX Group's project ( aims at simplifying the QSL manager's job by automating the back end processes. The platform's exclusive users are Tim M0URX, Charles M0OXO, Pista HA5AO and Gene K5GS, who have uploaded 5,018,167 QSOs from some 800 logs (DXpeditions, contests, active DX stations handled by M0URX, M0OXO and HA5AO) so far. "A QSL manager with one helper can process OQRS requests for the largest DXpedition in one day, an amazing 75% reduction in time and labor. Today the only time consuming OQRS confirmation tasks are stuffing envelopes and affixing labels, a bulk mail franking machine eliminated postage stamps.
Other automated tasks include matching donors to the log for special handling and busted call management. A new feature controls sending duplicate QSL cards to the same DXer. Many DXers request a card through OQRS or direct and also send a buro card. The software will not respond to the buro request if a card was previously sent for the same contact(s). With all this extra time on their hands M0URX and M0OXO are available to handle additional DX callsigns and DXpeditions". [TNX K5GS]