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MessaggioInviato: 9 febbraio 2024, 20:09
Noted contestman and DXer Slavko Celarc, S57DX passed away on 4 February. No later than a couple of weeks ago he was signing IG9/S57DX from Lampedusa Island during the CQ WW 160-Meter CW Contest. First licenced in 1973 and initially active as YU3EIJ and YT3T (club callsigns), he was issued personal callsigns YU3TUX (1978-1984) and YU3BQ (1984-1992), before getting S57DX in October 1992. He was QRV on a daily basis, and made more han 984,000 QSOs over the past 31 years as either S57DX and S573DX. In 2007, while working for the United Nations' World Food Programme in Sudan, he was active as ST2R. He was also the QSL manager for several operations, including the ongoing activity by 9N7AA from Nepal. The QSL chores for 9N7AA are now handled by Pavla, S56DX (Slavko's widow).